Secrets to a successful show choir team

Sandra Gaul

Members of Impulse perform at the Home Show, showing off the many skills needed to be a successful team.

There is no doubt that winning a show choir competition looks different than winning a basketball game. Between performing, playing music, or managing behind the scenes, lots of factors help create a successful show choir team.

  1.  Team Unity 

“I feel that if you can’t work together as a group, it’s hard to perform at your best. When I was on a team in eighth grade, I hated it because I wasn’t connected to the people around me. In show choir, I feel that because I’m comfortable with the people around me, I am able to put my best into a performance.” – Erin Scott, ‘20


  •  Balance


“It’s important that there’s balance and that nobody sticks out during a performance.”

– Isaac Ripley, ‘20


  •  Vocals


“It’s what the judges hear, and hearing a performance almost overrides seeing a performance. Practicing vocals, having a nice blend, and having good diction as well as dynamics (or volume) are important keys to unlocking a good sound as a group.” – Klara Strand, ‘20


  •  Determination


“Having determination puts you in a mindset to work hard and get through practices. Believing you can be better and having the desire to push for greater success are vital in developing determination.” – Eva Wahlert, ‘20


  •  Passion


“Having passion for every moment of your time, whether it be practicing or performing. It really shows when performers with passion are able to connect with the audience and demonstrate emotions.” – Emily Barnes, ‘21


  •  Planning


“I feel like a lot of planning and preparation is the foundation for a good show choir group. Between arranging pieces for the choir to sing, ordering costumes, signing up for competitions, and other work done behind the scenes, having an organized plan can be the difference between success and failure for some teams.”

– Abby Wagner, ‘20


  •  Humility


“Nobody likes it when a teammate is full of themselves, or when you’re at a competition competing against a group that acts too good. Being humble goes a lot farther than being stuck up, and even having good sportsmanship towards other teams can give off a good impression.”

– Maria Kircher, ‘20


The difference between a first and second place team can be decided upon these factors. So the next time you are in the audience watching various show choir teams, be sure to pay attention to these tips given from these show choir experts.