2014-2015 Class Officers


Ruth Berning

What are you most looking forward to next year? “I am most looking forward to just having a great last year as a Golden Eagle!”

Why were you interested in running for class officer? “I ran for class officer because it seemed like a great way to get involved and help leave a positive impact on Wahlert.”

What are some changes you hope to see next year? “I hope to see a greater sense of pride in our school and more people getting involved in events.”

If you could be any cereal box character for 24 hours, who would it be and why? “I would be Tony the Tiger because I’ve earned my stripes.”   Rachel Muir What are you most looking forward to next year? “I’m looking forward to being a part of the best student section in the state next year!” Why were you interested in running for class officer? “I wanted to get involved in the planning process for school events; plus Killer said it’d look good on a resume!” What are some changes you hope to see next year? “I’d like to change some students’ attitudes towards our school and if possible strategically place hot tubs throughout the building because hot tubs are the best.” If you could give administration one piece of advice, what would it be? “I would tell the administration to bring on the snow days!” If you could be any cereal box character for 24 hours, who would it be and why? “I would be Tony the Tiger because he’s GRRRRRREAT!”   Will McDonald What are most looking forward to next year? “BEING A SENIOR!!! I want to take advantage of every opportunity, not only leadership roles, but everyone else taking on these same roles. I am looking forward to everyone’s openness to leadership and making Wahlert a better place to be.” Why were you interested in running for class officer? “Taking Oral Communications sophomore year gave me the confidence boost I needed to speak in front of people. It was the only thing holding me back from running before. I enjoy partaking in service opportunities and strengthening Wahlert as a whole.” What are some changes you hope to see next year? “Everyone partaking in being a leader and being in a good mindset about Wahlert and what we want to become. I hope to see the upperclassmen taking charge and underclassmen taking leadership right alongside with us.” If you could give administration one piece of advice, what would it be? “I would like to see administration take a big step step in making Wahlert what it needs to be. Look for students to talk to about changes in our school instead of students having to always reach out to them. Look at students who are not usually noticed because you never know when a student can take a stand and make a change.” If you could be any cereal box character for 24 hours, who would it be and why? “Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs’ bird because I have never had the experience of loving something so much that I turned any object in the room to what I was in love with. Also finding the energy deep within myself to manage to jump and bounce off the walls and still manage to be injury-free.”   Carlie Noel What are most looking forward to next year? “I am looking forward to getting back in the pool with the swim team (especially my lane buddy Sean Kalb).” Why were you interested in running for class officer? “I knew it would be a way that I could get more involved at Wahlert.” What are some changes you hope to see next year? “To have everyone excited to attend activities and be a part of the Eagles’ nest.” If you could be any cereal box character for 24 hours, who would it be and why? “Tony the Tiger because I am really loud and would make those 24 hours GRRREEAATTT!”   Adeline Jochum What are you most looking forward to next year? “I am most excited to finally being upperclassmen for sports!” Why were you interested in running for class officer? “I really wanted to be involved some way in the school. I also love knowing what happens and what the plans are for the school.” What are some changes you hope to see next year? “I hope to see more people involved, and as a school, become more united to make Wahlert an awesome environment to come to and learn everyday.” If you could be any cereal box character for 24 hours, who would it be and why? “The Fruit Loops toucan because I really would love to be able to fly, and I just really like Fruit Loops!”   Charlotte Flynn What are you most looking forward to next year? “Being an upperclassman and making junior year a positive experience.” Why were you interested in running for class officer? “I saw all the different activities Senate took part in, and I thought it would be exciting to join in and voice my opinion.” What are some changes you hope to see next year? “For everyone to participate in activities. Even make coming to school a positive experience. Make sure all grade levels are involved.” If you could give administration one piece of advice, what would it be? “To always have a positive attitude, like Mrs. Lex!” If you could be any cereal box character for 24 hours, who would it be and why? “Sonny the Cuckoo bird probs because I’m pretty cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs…and I’ve always wanted to be a bird, so there’s that.”   Logan Manders What are most looking forward to next year? “I am most excited for the opportunity to work alongside Sir William!” Why were you interested in being on class council? “I thought it would be fun to help organize activities and take ownership in what goes around school.” What are some changes you hope to see next year? “Next year I hope to see a greater sense of community between council, administration and students.” If you could give administration one piece of advice, what would it be? “I would tell the administration to bring on the snow days!” If you could be any cereal box character for 24 hours, who would it be and why? “King Vitamin because it would be fun to be a king for a day!”   Delaney Bounds What are you most looking forward to next year? “To finally being a senior and taking math with the legendary Mr. Wolfe for a third year!” Why were you first interested in running for class officer? “I ran for treasurer my freshman year because I wanted to help plan things and get involved. But I stuck with it for the bagels at the end of the year.” What are some changes you hope to see next year? “I hope for everyone to be excited about everything going on next year, and for us all to really come together as a school!” If you could give administration one piece of advice, what would it be? “Nap-time would be lovely.” If you could be any cereal box character for 24 hours, who would it be and why? “I think I would be one of those Cinnamon Toast crunch squares so I could eat my friends.”   Maddie Heiar What are most looking forward to next year? “Finally being the seniors and seeing what the leadership of our class can bring and change.” Why were you interested in running for class officer? “I like to be involved and I want to try to make the student body have a great, and, hopefully, one of the best years yet” What are some changes you hope to see next year? “More support in everything whether it be any type of sport or theatre or show choir, more school spirit, involvement, and excitement in general, and have an Eagles’ Nest better than before.” If you could be any cereal box character for 24 hours, who would it be and why? “Lucky the Leprechaun because he gets to fly around on magical marshmallows all day.”