Take a Look….Read a Book
By Hannah Hartman
Of the Gleaner
When reading, there are numerous benefits. The website Healthline published an article on “Benefits of Reading Books: How It Can Positively Affect Your Life.” In the article, it talks about how researchers did a study on the effects of yoga, humor and reading on people’s stress levels.
“The study found that 30 minutes of reading lowered blood pressure, heart rate, and feelings of psychological distress just as effectively as yoga and humor did.”
“If you read people’s stories — even if they’re not true stories, but based on real life — it can widen your perspective about the world. For example, the book The Hate You Give is not necessarily a nonfiction story, but it’s very based in reality, and you can learn a lot from those types of books,” said Ms. Bridget Sullivan.
“Reading gives you more of a feel on other people’s life and what they have been through,” Abigail Mcdermott ‘24, said.
Sullivan identifies some of the many benefits of reading.
“Reading can help you build your vocabulary, so you’re able to communicate more effectively. I love how you can learn about the world through reading,” Sullivan said.
Caden Brimeyer, ‘23, agreed.
“Reading expands your vocabulary. It can help you use more intelligent words when writing and speaking,” said Brimeyer.
Oh, the places you will go when you choose to open a book. Adventure awaits at every turn of the page.
Hannah Hartman is a sophomore at Wahlert Catholic High School. She is a reporter for the Gleaner. Hannah loves to bake, go shopping, and hangout with her...