Senior CPR training

Emergencies happen everywhere. You could be out on the river and someone could drown, someone at a restaurant could start choking, someone could have a heart attack at a family dinner. There are a lot of things that could go wrong when you or someone else would need to do CPR or the Heimlich Maneuver on someone.

To prepare them for such emergencies, all seniors had to take a course on CPR.

“Knowing how to do CPR is very important for everyone to know and taking the course helps students understand why it’s important,” Mrs. Beth Broderick, school nurse.

Even if it sounds boring and requires some extra work, it’s a very easy course, and it can help by saving someone’s life.

“The course wasn’t that bad,” said Jack Jaeger, ‘18. “It was fairly easy to remember the compressions, counts, and the Heimlich maneuver.”

Many of the seniors have already taken a course in past health classes and already knew what to do. Taking this course just refreshed the topic for some and also helped others start thinking about what they would do in that situation.