The McSperriance
Getting involved at Wahlert Catholic is always important, but for the McSperrin family, it seems to be their main goal!
The McSperrin family, does a lot at Wahlert, for example, they help out with costumes for the play and show choir, sets, and take charge and control over the play.
Gwyneth McSperrin, ‘19, believes her parents, Brian and Angie, will continue the ritual of helping out around the halls of Wahlert even when she leaves for college.
“My little brother is still here for two more years, so I am sure that they will. They do a lot of stuff! I think that they will continue to do occasional things, but they probably won’t lead it like they do now.”
The McSperrin family started to get involved in theatre very early in their life!
“We started doing theater when we were really little, at the Bell Tower and Rising Star, so whenever there were parents helping out, both of my parents would jump at the opportunity. Then through school, it mainly began in middle school. I feel as if my dad and my mom are both very crafty people, so I think that shows in the rest of us kids. I feel as if that is a creative outlet for both of them.”
With having your parents around helping all the time, there are bound to be some embarrassing moments.
“Angie is a little extra, and says things she shouldn’t all the time! Big Bri (Brian McSperrin) can be bossy when he works on the sets. Also our house is covered in theater, like our whole house is cover in theater stuff for the shows!” Gwyneth said.
Brady McSperrin, ‘21, disagrees. He said that there aren’t really any embarrassing moments that have happened to him, but he admits that it is an interesting dynamic with having them there.
Parent involvement set aside, both Gwyneth and Brady highlighted the struggles of doing theater.
Brady said, “The challenges would be, especially on high production shows, when you have to do a lot of stuff, and build a lot of sets. It’s just a whole bunch of things to coordinate and make sure everything comes together at the end. It can be a lot and can be very stressful at times.”
Gwyneth and her parents agree that it can be very overwhelming, and it is very easy to get stressed out because there is alway so much to do!

Sami Rury is a senior at Wahlert and a second-year reporter for The Gleaner. Sami enjoys going to Jumble, walking goats (check out @hoofitgalena on Insta!)...