Humans of Wahlert


 Mrs. Jennifer Stiefel

What is the greatest struggle you’ve had to deal with so far?

“I think a big struggle for me right now is time management. My husband and I have a toddler at home right now, and we’re preparing for another baby now. With school on top of everything, managing our time at home gets a little stressful.”



Mr. Teddy DeBartolo

What advice would you want to leave your children or grandchildren with?

“I would want to leave them with two quotes. The first is from Dr. Seuss: ‘Today I shall behave as if this is the day I will be remembered.’ It may sound a little morbid, but…if I think about how I want people to remember me at my funeral, I want it to be positive, you know? And the second quote is this: ‘Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.’ I think the world is getting smaller, with Twitter and Instagram and everything. It’s important that we don’t just do things because we expect people to be able to repay us. We need to do good things because it’s the right thing to do.”

Ms. Michelle Gogel

What is something you can always be found with?

“I love the feel of tape, so I always have a little piece with me. It’s my nervous habit to play with a piece of tape just like some people bite their nails. My boyfriend even buys it for me sometimes.”


Mitch Millius, ‘14

What do you value in your life?

“My faith is definitely one of the things I value most. It’s how I want to treat others on a daily basis, and it influences my attitude going into any situation.”



 Ivie Springer, ‘17

What was the happiest moment of your life?

“When my little sister was born. I was always lonely as a little kid and wanted someone to play with.”





Breanna Krier, ’15

How do you react when people sing “Happy Birthday” to you in a restaurant?

“I get really embarrassed.”


“Because it’s kinda awkward.”

But would you do it for free cake or ice cream?

“YES! But I don’t like cake or ice cream, so I would just give it to my friends.”

Mrs. Lavonne Kaiser

What is your most treasured memory?

“You got me thinking… It’s when the book store was open during the lunch hour. We would sell candy and snacks, but also school supplies. We made almost two hundred a day! I really enjoyed talking to the students and faculty members who would come into the store.”




Michael Mahoney

What advice can you give to high schoolers?

“Cherish these days as life gets so much more complex when you leave high school.”

What was your favorite high school memory?

“My favorite high school memory was having euchre parties.”






Hillary Burgmeier, ‘15

What is the best way to achieve happiness?

“I believe that there will always be hardships in life. But, what makes people so great is when they are able to overcome these hardships with strength, while also learning from such experiences. There isn’t any good in being down and sad when something unfortunate happens. The best way to deal with hardships and difficult times in life is to continue smiling, and know that everything will turn out okay in the end.”

Anna Jochum, ‘15

What advice can you give to high schoolers?

“Don’t worry about what others think. Make the most out of your young years, and make the most memories that you can. Get involved in school, and make it academics a priority. Be nice to everyone, and have fun!”







Taylor Topping, ‘15

What has been the most valuable lesson you have learned?

“Probably that you can’t replace family. They are the ones that will be there for you no matter what. When we moved to Iowa for my dad’s new job, because we didn’t know anyone, my family was all I had for a really long time.”







Aleece Duggan, ‘15

When was the happiest moment of your life?

“One of the happiest moments of my life was when I got the opportunity to be the lead in The Nutcracker. I was so overjoyed that my director and choreographer had faith in me that I was able to handle the role to act and perform. It was also great to act and perform as the character.”










Kevin Sisler, Alum “2010 Class President”

What advice would you give to soon-to-be-graduates?

“Do not wish your life away. Yes, your time at Wahlert may seem mundane and tedious, but you will look back on these days and cherish them forever. Make memories now! Get involved in groups. It’s never too late!”









Erin Sullivan, ’14

Who is the most important person in your life?

“My mom because she encourages me and is very supportive of cheer and show choir. She likes to see me succeed, and I don’t want to disappoint her. She does a lot of things for me, and she helps me.”

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