Fresh steps into leading Wahlert
With every new school year comes new classes, new faces and new leaders. The start of the year calls for the freshman students to elect classmates to represent their class and make the year as enjoyable as possible. Along with a whole new school, freshmen are grateful to have representatives to give them a voice.
Tess Breslin ‘22, the freshmen president, feels up to the challenge.
“I know that the big thing about being a leader is learning not to be the person in control of everyone, but to be the person that listens to the voices of my classmates and be the stepping stone that helps everyone improve,” said Breslin.
Breslin is a part of a lot of activities through her athletics and faith life. She is involved in cross country, golf, basketball, Stop Club, Interact Club, Yappers, and she also attends Bible Study and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Breslin was also a leader in student council last year at Mazzuchelli, along with Vice President Andrea Swift, ‘22, and Treasurer Tessa Berning, ‘22.
Swift learned what it meant to be a leader from her experience in previous years.
“I was in student council last year, so that helped me lead my class and get to know what the students wanted,” Swift said.
Swift is involved in show choir, theater and Interact Club. She plans on trying her best to make school more enjoyable and creating a better environment for everyone.
Treasurer Tessa Berning has similar ideas for the school and wants to have a role in sharing the ideas of the students.
“I’m not afraid to step up and talk in front of people, and I am not shy, so I like to say what I need to say in order to help other people,” said Berning.
Berning is in cheerleading at Wahlert and does ballet and gymnastics outside of school. She wants to be trusted by the students and make the year more enjoyable.
Berning also said, “We want to raise money for the school and plan activities that students actually want to be a part of. We also want to try to get more kids involved at school so that they can have the best Wahlert experience possible.”
Overall, the freshman officers are really excited work together to make the school better and have a fun freshman year.

Anna Sigwarth is a current senior at Wahlert and an associate editor on The Gleaner. She is a part of the volleyball team, is a member of Wahlert Impulse,...