Art Club gives back

Last year's Art Club participants making ornaments.
Sydney Rury, ’19, Sophia Rupert ’19 , Emma Saddler, ’19, Holli Hammerand ’18, Julia Crawford ’18, and Annie Herrmann, ’18 made Christmas ornaments last year for the Dubuque Nursing homes.

Art Club is more than just students meeting every once and awhile.

Rather, “Art Club students come together to work on art projects that are both fun and benefit our community,” said Megan DeLire, ’17.

Last Christmas, the club donated handmade Christmas ornaments to Sunny Crest. This year, the club will hand-make ornaments again and donate them to a different organization.

We take clay and roll it out, and use cookie cutters to make a Christmas shape. After they dry and are fired in the kiln, we are free to glaze them and add color. Every year we pick a different place to donate to. This year, we are donating them to Bethany Home. Students can also make some for themselves and get service hours in the process,” DeLire said.

The Art Club plans to travel to Chicago for a field trip this year and needed a way to fundraise. By combining creativity and the intention of raising money, the club decided to design its very own adult coloring book. The adult coloring book, now trending, is used to help teens and young adults relax. With this in mind, they hope to attract many individuals and raise money for their trip.

“For example, the adult coloring book will be made up of hand drawn mandalas, which, when finished, can be colored in. When the books are completed, we will sell them and use the money towards our trip. We thought that the adult coloring book would be something simple enough to do but also something each member could take part in,” said DeLire.