Seniors take on scaring roles at Dark Chambers
It’s that time of year again when weather gives people an excuse to cuddle up next to a fire and stay inside drinking hot chocolate. Or, for many others, the holiday of Halloween brings about the tradition of going to a haunted house. They can be very exciting to go through, but what happens behind the scenes? This year, two seniors, Libby Wedewer and Ellie Timmerman, share what it’s like to work at a haunted house.

So how does one get a scaring job? Wedewer said, “We’ve been to Dark Chambers multiple times, and we thought it was cool, so we decided to direct message the owner on Facebook.”
Though that is where the adventure began, there has been much more put into it then simply signing up. Costumes, voices, and as Timmerman said, “the mind game,” of working at a haunted house all play big roles.
According to the two, they had acting training for over two hours, learning different techniques. During this time they learned how to do creepy voices and screams to go along with their costumes. “We chose our costumes, and we will be dressed as twin sisters,” Timmerman explained. “Kind of like dolls, covered in blood.”
Along with training, Wedewer and Timmerman have been advertising, encouraging others to swing by. Makayla Schockemoehl, ‘22, added, “Ellie has been yelling at our math class for the past two weeks for people to come.”
Take Ellie’s advice and stop by Dark Chambers before the end of October! Their location has been moved to 1341 Frontage Road in Hazel Green, Wisconsin. So pack up your friends and hit the road for a thrilling time.

Claire Walker is a second-year staff member of the Gleaner. She is involved in volleyball and tennis, but enjoys skiing in her free time. Claires favorite...