Seniors offer advice to underclassmen
As seniors, it has been a long four years of high school. Being the most experienced, many senior students have advice for some of the underclassmen.
Rita Greener,‘21, said, “Enjoy your time here because it goes by way faster than you think. It’s such a cliche that high school flies by, but it really does.” If Greener could go back in time and change anything about her four years of being here, she would’ve gotten more involved in the school; including sports and clubs.
“I think it’s important to build relationships with the teachers, especially if you talk to them. Building those relationships will really help you have fun throughout high school.” said Greener.

Zachary Busch, ‘21, also agrees with Greener on how time flies.
“When we were freshmen everyone always said treasure your moments, but back then I always thought four years would take a long time, but now we only have a few weeks of school left.
Many projects are assigned throughout these four years, and some students have advice on them.
“Sophomore year I completely turned in someone else’s project for english, so don’t do that. Be sure you stay on top of things and don’t procrastinate like I did.” said Busch.
“In college writing my advice would be to not procrastinate it and don’t stress over it, because peer reviewing will help your paper more than you think it will.” said Nedder, ‘21.
Kathryn Nedder has been involved in the schools senate and has always been a big part of the 2021 class.
“Stop worrying what other people think of you, because throughout high school you just need to do what’s best for you. Everyone’s paths are different, so comparing yours to someone else will leave you unhappy,” said Nedder.
When asking Charlie Fair, ‘21, what advice he had he said, “Don’t be like Logan Teslow.” Although he said that he wouldn’t change anything throughout highschool.
“I debated not going out for football my freshman year, and I’m glad I decided to play because I ended up doing well.” said Fair.
Equivalent to Nedder and Busch, Fair stated promising advice for those who will be seniors next year. “Make sure you take the dual college classes your senior year so you have college credit.” said Fair.
Although you may have three years left, or one, make sure you cherish the time you have. High school is your last opportunity to be a kid before you become independent, don’t let that time slip away and always treasure your moments.