Seniors’ misfortunes
by Lola Grap
of The Gleaner
With the pandemic and the changes it brings, most people have high hopes of returning to life “pre COVID-19.” Especially in the high school setting, teenagers’ experiences have completely changed. Most students are seeking the normalcy they once had before wearing masks and social distancing. It can be difficult to have an open mind with the new restrictions that students must follow.
“I never imagined my senior year would play out the way it is. Even though the circumstances stink, my friends and I are trying to make the best of our last year,” said Anna Slaght, ‘21. “Teachers are very understanding this year, and they feel for us and everything we are missing out on. The worst thing is just not getting the opportunities that were granted to classes before us,” Slaght continued.
Some activities that students participate in that were completely changed was the experience of sports, the student section at athletic events, and dances.
“Sports are totally different and getting cancelled or suspended frequently, which isn’t that fun. Plus the student sections are not what they used to be with the restrictions put on them. This applies to dances, too, which are some people’s favorite parts of high school. Most seniors won’t ever experience a school-administered prom,” said Jack Crahan, ‘21.
Brady Woods, ‘21, agrees that senior year is not what most students pictured to be.
“COVID-19 pretty much ruined it for us. Everything I had heard about senior year for the last three years made it sound fun and exciting. Now, it’s awful not getting the experiences we were promised all those years ago. Many students also wish the health board would put more effort towards mental health and not just physical health, too,” said Woods.
The overall consensus among seniors is that dances and students sections could hopefully return to normal this year or the years to come.
“I would bring back the dances if I could. I never guessed senior year would have looked like this, but I am glad to at least get to experience in-person school,” said Eli Shubatt, ‘21.
Most high school memories stem from times spent with friends and family in the high school community; however, COVID-19 restrictions hold seniors back from getting everything they wanted.
“If I could change one thing, I would make this year longer so I can have more time with everyone since we missed out on so much,” said Ana Chandlee, ‘21.
Going into high school, most teenagers have different things to look forward to, especially senior year. This year, however, many people are unhinged, unprepared, and unhappy with their lives currently, especially seniors in high school. Their final year of high school is completely different than years past, and it can be hard to make the transition.
Still, it’s crucial to make the most of it when senior year is not what they pictured. Moving forward, hopefully the world can slowly return to normal and future seniors will get the year that the Class of 2021 didn’t receive.

Lola Grap is a senior at Wahlert Catholic and an editor for The Gleaner. Lola is involved in volleyball, bowling, and soccer. She enjoys spending time...