Silent Solidarity

On October 20, 2015, Wahlert students spend the entire day in silence to be in solidarity with those who were silenced by abortion.

Each day 4,000 unborn babies lose their lives to abortion. October celebrates Pro-Life Month, and the 40 Days for Life is currently taking place.

Wahlert’s Respect Life Club has been participating in this movement by raising money for the Chelsea’s Dream Foundation, an organization that helps families with the high cost of adoption. Along with fundraising, the club is also raising awareness about abortion.

October 20 is the National Day of Silent Solidarity. Wahlert students Emma and Sarah Mockler, ’16, Maryrose Jones, ’19, and others take part in honor of the children whose voices will never be heard.

“I have done [the day of silence] in past years, and I think it’s a great way to show my support to the children that do not have a chance to speak up,” explains Emma Mockler.

Maryrose Jones says that the experience was eye-opening for her, “It means not only standing up for those who never had a voice, but it means being equal to the children who never got a chance to speak,” she shares.

Interested students are encouraged to join the Respect Life Club which meets on Tuesday during seminar. Emma has also gone on the March for Life in Washington D.C. However, she believes that the easiest way to get involved is to pray to end abortion.

Mary Rose Jones, ’19, wears a lanyard with a tag explaining the day of silence. She says, “God loves babies, and we should do everything to protect those that God loves,”
Students that participate in the National Day of Silent Solidarity have red cards that inform others why they are choosing to be silent. Cheyenne Oyler, ’19, holds her card while her friends talk before class.
Twins, Emma and Sarah Mockler, ’19, have participated in the day of silence since they were in eighth grade. Emma says, “The idea that abortion is legal makes me sick. Abortion is murder. Children are the best thing in this world!”