Wahlert with a different point of view
Wahlert Catholic is known for being a Catholic school even though not everyone here is Catholic. For instance, several students at Wahlert have different beliefs or practices. They can be Catholic, Christian, Lutheran, or something else. Each person has a personal view of what faith is, or how it appears in his or her daily life.
“Faith to me is whatever you believe in, whatever it may be. It could be God, or it could be something else,” thinks Klara Strand, ‘20. “I see faith at Wahlert a lot, especially during mass. I used to see it in Father Al, and Brother Gee is very faithful. I see it in my friends and family, too.” Strand is Christian, she went to Tri-State before coming to Wahlert.
Without even realizing, students express faith and project it onto others easily. Simply saying hi to someone in the hallway or sitting with a different person at lunch can make a difference in a student’s day.
Even though some may think being non-Catholic at Wahlert automatically makes them an outcast, they can be completely wrong. Students help create a welcoming atmosphere here at Wahlert.
“I enjoy being at Wahlert because everyone accepts you and you feel equal with the uniforms,” said Lauryn Montgomery, ‘21.
Furthermore, having a relationship with God is not strictly for Catholics. Isa Harris, ‘19, found that her relationship with God couldn’t be more powerful.
“I try to show people that even though I am not Catholic, I can still have a really strong relationship with God,” said Harris.
So even though Wahlert may be perceived as a Catholic-only school, non-Catholics are still as welcome as everyone else.

Lola Grap is a senior at Wahlert Catholic and an editor for The Gleaner. Lola is involved in volleyball, bowling, and soccer. She enjoys spending time...