The changing climate around us

Veronica McDonald and Kylee Mitwede, 22, recycling in their classroom to prevent climate change.

Veronica McDonald and Kylee Mitwede, ’22, recycling in their classroom to prevent climate change.

With all of the cold days we’ve just had, a lot of people are thinking about whether or not climate change exists.    

“One reason climate change happens is that when the earth rotates around the sun, it doesn’t rotate in a perfect circle, so sometimes we are closer and sometimes we are farther away,” says Mrs. Schriver.

Climate Change is not a matter of the earth getting warmer; it’s more because the earth’s temperature is changing due to increased levels of CO2. These increased levels can happen naturally or be man-made.

“A volcanic eruption puts a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere and can affect climate change,” said Mrs. Schriver. “Recently, over the last 250 years, human activities like burning fossil fuels and cutting down trees have contributed to climate change.”

Even though climate change is a problem, we can help lessen the effects by carpooling and recycling. These things won’t completely fix climate change, but they will help lessen how much CO2 is put in the air.

“A solution to climate change might be to seek out opportunities to use earth-friendly products and cut down the use of non-renewable products,” stated Katie Krapfl, ‘19.

Although, climate change is natural, humans have sped it up by releasing more CO2 into the atmosphere. We can help lessen the amount by choosing reusable and renewable products.