Ain’t no mountain high enough

As winter approaches, the conditions outside become harsher and more unforgiving. Despite this, it doesn’t stop many students and teachers from visiting the Grand Teton Mountains for the annual Teton Science School trip. The trip blends education and activities such as hiking, games, and wildlife observation. It allows students to further their science education in fields like ecology and biology.

“It was a really great experience, and something that everyone should do. It really improved my understanding of science, and I had a lot of fun, too,” said Clinton Sabers, ‘19.

The students had a curriculum about wildfires with labs based on the soil and water quality. “It was my first time ever seeing mountains, which was really exciting. It really gave me perspective on the different types of regions there are around the world,” said Sabers.

Although there is an academic side to the trip, there is also a lot of time for fun and activities. Students do team building activities and play games along with trust exercises. “I honestly had more fun than I was expecting. I went in with the mindset of an academic experience, but came out having had a great time.” said Emma Saddler, ‘19.

The Tetons Science trip is an educational and recreational experience that can further students’ horizons and improve their interest in the science field. “I would definitely recommend the trip to anyone interested in science,” said Sabers. “Going on the Tetons trip was one of the best decisions I have made in high school.”