Sailing the Virtual Seas


Have you ever wanted to be a pirate? Have you ever wanted to sail the seas with your friends or by yourself? While you may not be able to do that in today’s world, you can still do it in the wonderful world of Sea of Thieves.

Sea of Thieves is an open world pirate game developed by Rare. It came out  March 20 and was a highly anticipated game. The game is very unique because there aren’t very many pirate games out there. The last truly popular pirate game was Assassins Creed: Black Flag, released on Oct. 29, 2013.

Sea of Thieves can either be played with friends or alone. However, going solo can be very difficult. This game does a good job of truly immersing the player and making him or her feel like a true pirate. The main goal of the game is to buy voyages from NPC’s (Non-player Characters) and follow maps to get treasure, fight off skeletons, or go and gather chicks or pigs. After all of that, you sell your treasure to get gold and you use that to buy weapons or cosmetics.

The main pros of this game are that it is cross platform, which means that people on console can play with people on PC; it is multiplayer so you can play with friends or random people online; and it is more on the realistic side of video games, but still provides a lot of fun. You can even get attacked by the ferocious sea creature known as the Kraken.

The main cons of this game are  that sailing solo can be a bit difficult since you have to manage the sails, raise and lower the anchor, and find treasure all by yourself. There were also a lot of issues with the game upon launch, but the development team has done its best to try and fix them as soon as possible, and they always let the players know, through Twitter when the game is going to be down for maintenance and which bugs they are trying to fix.

All things considered, this is a very good game to buy if you’re looking for a new game to purchase. Instead of spending all that money on Fortnite, why not try something new and purchase Sea of Thieves?