People and their cats

In this world, there are different types of people. There are those who like Cool Ranch and those who like Nacho Cheese Doritos. There are those who like the Packers and those who like the Bears. And, of course, there are cat people and dog people.

Cats are everywhere these days. In 2014, there were over 2 million cat videos on YouTube, collectively generating almost 25 billion views. Americans own 86.4 million cats, and the infamous grumpy cat phenomenon is still spreading. However, cats are not quite as popular at Wahlert.

Finding students who consider themselves “cat people” is harder than one might think. However, those who like cats really do like them. A lot.

Kaitlin Moran, ‘19, has two cats, Benji and Max, rescues from the Humane Society. She also has a dog, but says she feels more connected to her cats. “Cats are cuddlier. Plus, they don’t lick you as much,” said Moran.

One of the appeals of having a cat, rather than a dog is that they are much easier to take care of. All one really needs is a litter box and a long piece of string. “All I have to do is feed my cat, and he’s happy,” said Moran.

Because they don’t need as much care and supervision as dogs, it makes it easier to have a lot of cats. Davis Flogel. ‘18, goes above and beyond with four of his own. Hector, Fred, Star and Fleecey are outdoor cats, which makes them even simpler to look after.

Though cats are simple to care for, physically, some say they like cats because they make owners work for their affection. “Cats make you earn their trust, “ said Jace Kunkel, ‘18. “I know cats that are smarter than some people I know.”

There are lots of reasons why cat people are cat people, but there’s really only one reason why dog people aren’t. Many people claim that they don’t like cats because they get “a bad vibe” from them. Kunkel best responds to this by saying, “The cats that look evil; those are the ones that are really nice.”