New dictionary words

black hat: a hacker who violates the security of a system for personal profit

or for the gratification of causing damage.

crash blossom: an ambiguously worded headline whose meaning

can be interpreted in the wrong way, as “Missing Woman Remains Found.”

dark web: the portion of the Internet that is intentionally hidden from search engines,

uses masked IP addresses, and is accessible only with a special web browser.

esports: competitive tournaments of video games.

gender-fluid: relating to a person whose gender identity or gender expression is not fixed and shifts over time or depending on the situation.

lifehack: a tip, trick, or efficient method for doing or managing a day-to-day task or activity.

microaggression: a subtle but offensive comment or action directed at a minority that is often unintentional or unconsciously reinforces a stereotype.

ship: to take an interest in a romantic relationship between fictional characters or famous people.

slacktivism: actions taken to bring about political or social change but requiring only minimal commitment, effort, or risk: students engage in slacktivism by signing an online petition.

smartwatch: a computing device that resembles a wristwatch and is attached to a band worn around the wrist.