How to survive winter

By Allie Foy

Of the Gleaner

Picture this. It’s 7 a.m. and you are rushing to the car. As you step out the door, the cold winter air hits you right in the face. Your fingers become numb as you take off your mittens to unlock the car. Once you’re inside, you don’t feel the expected relief. It still feels like arctic temperatures. You start up the car and blast the warm air. Five minutes later, you regain a comfortable body temperature.

Sound familiar? This is the routine many high schoolers go through during the cold winter mornings. Even being exposed to the cold for a brief amount of time, can result in the shivers ALL day.

As many of the students and staff know, we have one boiler left. If this breaks, we are in trouble! Cold, cold, trouble.

Now the real question is, how do we survive the cold? Especially here at Wahlert Catholic? Ellie Muir ‘17, offers her solution on how to withstand the frigid, winter days.

Muir says she almost always wears at least three layers to school! “The other day I had on a long-sleeved undershirt, a polo, track jacket, and crew neck, and I was still cold!”

For Joe Patrick ‘18 the winter cold has nothing on him! “I wear normal school clothes. Just khakis and a polo, and I’m fine,” say Patrick.

Other students say they try to get to class early so they can spend a few extra minutes next to the blower.

Some have said they spend their passing period in the bathroom on the west side (across the bridge) because it is so warm!

So it’s up to you. Can you stand the temperatures, or not? Whatever your methods are for staying warm this winter, keep it up! It is just going to get colder!