‘Tis the season for freezin’

Have you ever seen a minion in real life? MacKenzie MacDonald, a worker in the Wahlert kitchen, has seen one. She, along with some of her friends, dressed up as minions to participate in this year’s Polar Plunge.
That means that MacKenzie and friends braved the c-c-cold Mississippi waters to raise money for Special Olympics. Each year, members of the Law Enforcement Torch Run, along with the local Special Olympics Programs, invite people to sponsor or participate in the Polar Plunge. This event raises awareness about The Special Olympics, an international competition modeled on the Olympic Games, in which mentally and physically handicapped athletes compete.
MacKenzie, who has gotten wet the last six years, once again participated in the Plunge to raise money for the Special Olympics. She successfully took a dive in her minion costume to show her support on Nov. 14th and raised around $610!
MacKenzie is also a participant in the Special Olympics. She competes in the swimming, biking, cross country, and skiing portions of the competition. Her favorite parts are getting to work out and see all of her friends.
Mackenzie macdonald • Nov 19, 2015 at 6:28 pm
Thank for for doing this for me . You made my day