Checking homecoming off the bucket list
It’s that time of year again! Many students stress about their homecoming proposals. Is it creative enough? Am I going to get asked? Some people have already been asked, but for others the question is still in the air.
Claire Walker, ‘22, got asked by Jimmy McDermott, ‘21.
Walker said, “Jimmy came by with flowers, and I was very surprised.”
Since Walker is a sophomore, this will be her first homecoming.“I’m happy to be going with someone who is going to make my first
homecoming a good time.”
But not all boys ask girls. Maddie Roling, ‘20, asked her boyfriend, Teige, to homecoming.
“Since he doesn’t go here, I thought it would be weird if he asked me to my homecoming. So I asked him instead,” Roling stated.
On a poster, she described a bucket list and memories they have shared.
“Then I put homecoming with an empty box since we haven’t gone to a dance together. He was already planning on coming to the
dance, but I surprised him with the poster, which he liked a lot,” said Roling.
Abigail Klauer, ‘21, was asked by Matthew Schmitz, ‘20. Klauer has an obsession with ducks, recalling that the first word she was able to speak was duck.
“I always joked about getting a duck, but my mom never
let me,” Klauer laughed. “When I was doing homework in my basement, I heard a loud noise, so I opened my door to Matthew standing there with a poster and a
duck. I didn’t even look at the poster for the first 30 minutes because I was so excited about the ducks, which I later named Doris and Sir Louie.”
It sounds like Klauer and Schmitz are going to have a “ducky” time.

Brooke Bauer is a sophomore at Wahlert Catholic, and this is her second semester on Gleaner staff. She enjoys playing tennis for fun and volleyball for...