On the hunt for Black Friday deals

Black Friday, or what could be known as Black Thursday now, is approaching. Many people head out after they eat their Thanksgiving meal to steal deals at all the stores. Lots of money will be spent. In fact, 101.7 million people went out shopping on Black Friday in 2016.
Shantelle Graff, ‘19, is one of those bargain hunters. “I honestly spend too much money,” said Graff. “It’s exciting getting something for a super great deal, like, getting a bunch of Christmas presents for your family without going broke.”
Anna Jensen, ‘20, seconds Graff saying, “I spend $400 to $500 depending on what I’m looking for.”
Stores all around the United States are getting their deals ready for the customers to rush in and grab them. Graff recalls one of her Black Friday shopping experiences. “Last year, we were shopping at Younkers in Illinois, and my brother threw up all over this nice couch and rug. When we went back a couple months later, the couch and rug were gone. Sorry to whoever had to clean that up!”
Some people spend hours planning where they are going and what they are going to buy.
“My mom and my friends are driving down to Coralville on Thursday night. We are for sure going to Target and Victoria’s Secret. They are a must,” said Jensen.
For some, it’s about getting the good deals. For others, it’s a way to bond with the family while keeping a tradition alive.
“It’s a Thanksgiving tradition for my family and me,” said Hayley Welbes, ‘21. “We go out after our Thanksgiving meal. Sometimes we shop the whole night.”