Middle names: A family affair?

Wahlert has many students roaming the halls with generic middle names such as Michael, James, Elizabeth and Grace. But, what about those unique and special nicknames? Here’s a little glimpse of those uncommon but heartfelt middle names.
Sarah Wareham, ‘17, has the middle name “Jo”.
“Jo came from my grandfather named Joseph,” she said. “My parents didn’t think they would have a boy, but they still wanted to keep the name in the family. I love my middle name because of that.”
While Wareham’s middle name is only two letters, Sean McCoy’s is 23 letters. Kamakannamakamaeokahaku, McCoy’s middle name, means “precious gift from God.”
“I like my nickname because it’s my mom’s Hawaiian name and because it is very unique,” he said.
Other students, like Alfredo Dorantes-Ortiz, have no middle name, “My parents didn’t want me to have a middle name and instead, combined their two last names,” he said. “I don’t like it because I have to explain that I don’t have a middle name a lot.”
Some other students have two middle names. For instance, Alden Edward-Patrick Kuntz is one of these students.
“It’s my godparents’ name,” he said. “I like it.”