Bird Box Review: Entertaining fluff

The thrilling movie, Bird Box, has recently been very popular, but what are people’s actual thoughts on it?

Andrea Swift ‘22 said, “Overall, I think that Bird Box was a really entertaining movie to watch. I saw it two times and I would totally watch it again, but I do think there were some plot holes, specifically with the whole monster aspect. Overall it was pretty scary and kept me on my feet!”

Nick Nachtman ‘20 wasn’t quite so enthusiastic. “I thought Bird Box was an interesting concept for a movie and Sandra Bullock did a really good job in her role. However, I feel like it could have been written better, and the characters could have been defined better,” said Nachtman.

Overall, I would give the movie Bird Box a 7.5/10 rating solely because it was very entertaining and kept viewers interested, but there were many unanswered questions in it. I also wish that we had gotten a deeper understanding of the characters, learned more about their past, and what their struggles were.

If you haven’t already, go check out the movie Bird Box on Netflix!