High Hopes for Girls’ Tennis

Although there is a scramble to get all 60 girls out on the tennis court for practice this season, players are beginning to find their roles on the team.
As of now, some groups of girls are scheduled to practice on certain days of the week due to the lack of court space for everyone.
Despite the clamber for practice time, Anna Freiburger, ‘19, still finds time to prepare herself for the season as she holds the number one spot on varsity. She mentions that putting in hard work on the court will hopefully pay off when the trek to state begins.
“My individual goal is to make it to singles state along with my doubles partner Caroline Hutchinson,” Freiburger said. “As a team, we are currently ranked fourth in the state for pre-season, so we are striving for state as a team as well,” Freiburger said.
Joining the varsity will be Claire Walker, a freshman.
“My goal for the season is to improve as a player and teammate but more specifically to take on state with my doubles partner, Macy Vance,” Walker said.
She also adds that spending time on the court outside of practice is important to maintain her varsity spot.
“I went to Alpine a couple times and got back in the groove of everything before season started. Also, over spring break our team was on the courts playing, doing different challenge matches, making each other better and hitting the weight room,” says Walker.
Morgan Herrig, ‘20, is expecting good things this season because they hold the number four seed.
“I think we will be pretty good. Last year we were 5th in the state, and now we are 4th so we have high expectations,” Herrig said. “We are hoping to make it to state and bring home a banner.”
With so many girls out, it is a struggle to figure everything out. But most girls have high standards set, which should help them to their ultimate goal: state.

Makayla Schockemoehl is a second year staff member of the Gleaner. She is involved in volleyball and likes to spend time with her family and friends outside...