River walk: The place to be
Tips for the third of July to help you safely celebrate

One of the biggest holidays during the summer is the Fourth of July. It is commonly celebrated by lighting off fireworks. These fireworks are lit off, and the nation comes out to watch them whether from their boat, their yard, or the Dubuque Country Club golf course.
For Dubuque, not only is the Fourth of July a big day, but the third of July as well. The third of July is traditionally the day to celebrate the Fourth of July in Dubuque. Thousands of people gather down at the river walk and set up chairs, blankets, or hang out on their boats. Although it is generally a blast with friends and family, there are a few precautions to take while down at the river walk.
Tips for spending the 3rd of July at the river walk:
1. If driving, make sure to park somewhere relatively far away, so it is not difficult and dangerous driving out when leaving.
2. Be cautious of the amount of alcohol in the area, or people who are intoxicated. They may make negative decisions, and it is smart to stay out of these situations.
3. Bring blankets, chairs, etc.
4. Bring bug spray and sunscreen.
5. Bring a cooler with food and drinks.
6. Don’t forget money
7. Make sure your phone is charged in case you lose the people you are with- it get’s very crowded!
8. Continue checking in frequently with parents.
9. Get a lot of sleep the night before, you won’t be going to bed early this night!
10. Have fun and stay safe!
11. Get there early, around 4p.m.
12. If you decide to bring your dog, make sure to put it on a leash.
13. Dress accordingly to the weather.