The class of 2016 has experienced some major events over the last 12 years. Below are some of the most memorable things that happened in the years of 2003-2004 and 2015-2016.
We were in kindergarten when…
Greenday’s American Idiot was the one of the year’s most popular albums
Billboard’s top song was Crazy in Love by Beyonce ft. Jay Z, they ended up getting married four years later
Quotable movies: Anchorman, Mean Girls, and Napoleon Dynamite were released
For fans of dramas, The Notebook, The Passion, and National Treasure were also released.
Facebook, then called “TheFacebook” wasn’t registered until February of our kindergarten year
Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated during reentry into the Earth’s atmosphere, killing all seven astronauts aboard.
TV show Friends ended
Amy Poehler made her debut appearance on Saturday Night Live in the Weekend Update with Tina Fey. They also made history as the only two female anchors the show had ever had.
The average price of gas was $1.54/ gallon
The average amount of student loan debt in the U.S. was $18,750
We were seniors when…
Flowing liquid water was found on Mars
Marriage equality became legal in all 50 states
The most popular movies released were Star Wars: The Force Awakens, followed by Mad Max: Fury Road, and The Revenant
Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar
Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars was the song of the year in 2015
Other chart toppers include Can’t Feel My Face by The Weekend, and Hotline Bling by Drake
The hoverboard was invented
The average price of gas was $2.63/ gallon
The average amount of student loan debt in the U.S. was $35,000