The Gleaner • May 14, 2015 •
Do you “Wand” to get hypnotised?
Maria Ambrosy, Entertainment Editor
Hypnosis is a state of human consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterized by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion. Dr. Jim Wand, a very famous hypnotist has performed at Wahlert’s post prom party every year for the last 20 years. Students leap out of their seats at the chance to go under his spell. Many of the students said it was a strange sensation and that they were fully aware of what they were doing, but it felt like they “didn’t have a filter”. Take a look at the antics that took place when students raced horses, kissed their celebrity crush, and sang “Let it Go”.
While singing “Let it Go” from the movie “Frozen” students dance and sing.Alex Kruse and Matt Wigginton, ’15, embrace after singing Taylor Swift’s “Shake it Off” together.While under hypnosis students pretend to kiss their celebrity crush. Taylor Topping, ’15, said, ” Chris Pratt, aka Starlord”More students kiss their favorite singer, actor, or actress. One memorable moment from the night was when Sabrina Fleege, ’15, said she was going to be kissing President Bill Clinton.Alex Kruse, ’15, leaps while dancing to “Shake it Off”, the song he sang with Matt WiggintonStudents sing and dance while under hypnosis.Jim Wand tells Logan Manders, ’15, that if he opens his mouth and eyes as wide as he can, he will be able to see an exotic animal in the speaker.While dancing under hypnosis Matt Wigginton, ’15, leaps while Tom Auge and Alex Kruse, ’15, sing.Hypnotized students respond in shock and amazement as Matt Wigginton walks on his hands.Trying to open their mouths as wide as they can, Derek May, Tom Auge, and Anna Jochum, ’15, stare at the lights and speakers, as told to by Dr. Jim Wand.Hypnotized students think they’re going down a hill on a huge roller coaster.More students think they are on a roller coaster while they are hypnotizedAnna Jochum and Ruth Berning, ’15, make their funniest faces and poses.While at the “Kentucky Derby”, students use their shoes as binoculars while they cheer on their horses.Students “hold a puppy” when they realize that it peed on them while they were holding it.Students react when the puppy they were holding got hit by a car in front of them.Taylor Topping, Matt Wigginton, and Rachel Muir, ’15, lay on each other while in a hypnotic state.