Wahlert’s men’s basketball team is headed to Des Moines once again with a close victory over Waverly-Shell Rock. When the buzzer sounded, the Eagle’s Nest went crazy, as it should when the boys bring home a win.
However, as soon as the game was over, one of the first things I heard out of the mouth of a student was, “We are going to get so wasted in Des Moines.” My heart sank a little bit. We had just won an exciting game and were headed to state for the third time in a row, and the first thought that came to someone’s head wasn’t about supporting our team, school spirit, or even what they were doing after the game, it was about how drunk they were going to get when they’re free to roam Des Moines.
Where did the school pride go? What happened to having fun with friends without needing to drink? There was a time in Wahlert’s history when people were excited to cheer on our teams. Car loads of students and parents drove to Des Moines to cheer on our boys, and word got around that Dubuque was coming to Des Moines.
Ask parents and grandparents; people were proud to show off their Golden Eagle apparel, and Wahlert pride was evident not just in Des Moines, but the entire state of Iowa. Where’d that go?
Drinking at these events shines a bad light on our school and honestly, it’s embarrassing. No one ever saw an intoxicated high school student walking around a hotel lobby and said, “Wow, what a classy guy. I want to send my kids to that school.”
Acting responsibly isn’t about you or me. It’s not because we go to a Catholic school. It’s not so we can win some trophy from the IHSAA. It’s bigger than that.
From everyone sitting at home listening to the game on the radio to the representatives in the Iowa legislature, people hear about what’s going on at the game, in the hotel, at the mall, restaurants, and everywhere else students spend their time, and it shapes their idea of what the Wahlert and Dubuque community are like.
You’re representing yourself, your family and friends, Wahlert, Dubuque, and so many more. There’s no excuse for acting irresponsibly. Colleges and future employers don’t want to see “underage drinking” on your resume.
I’m not writing this because I expect more out of my class or my school. Respect begets respect. When someone suggests, “getting so wasted in Dezzy,” ask yourself, at whose expense?