6 continents, 633 regions, 1,012 libraries/bookstores/community centers, and 431,626 participants were all a part of the National Novel Writing Month challenge (NaNoWriMo.)

NaNoWriMo, a non-profit organization, offers a new approach to writing. Aspiring novelists have from Nov. 1 to 11:59 p.m. on Nov. 30 to write a 50,000 word book. At the end of the month, participants receive a certificate of completion and an opportunity to have their novels published by NaNoWriMo.
A few Wahlert students were up for the challenge. In total, five students participated: Sara Freund, ‘20, Mary Freund, ‘19, Samara Wigginton, ‘20, Mary Rose Jones, ‘19, and Elizabeth Fitzsimmons, ‘19.
“I decided to do NaNoWriMo because I had some friends who were doing it, and I enjoy creative writing, “ said Fitzsimmons. “It’s a way to be creative, increase your writing ability, and have a competition with friends.”
Ms. Barbara Ressler, an English teacher at Wahlert, has done something similar in the past.
“I highly recommend students try it,” said Ms. Ressler. “Students who have done it — sometimes more than once — convinced me of the positive impact the experience had on them. In many ways and on many levels it offers growth opportunities.”
The overall goal of the program is to help people around the world find their voices. It gives writers the opportunity to create new worlds and achieve various goals.
“It allows me to tell a story I want to tell, and lets someone – the reader, listen. It has also allowed to me to discover how great my strength and determination really are,” said Jones. “I found new ways to tell a story.”